Eva Stylings Initiative

My Nana was a huge supporter of non-profit organizations, which probably explains my passion for instructing youth and all the volunteer opportunities I do. Ask anyone that knew her and they would say she was the kindest lady with a compliment for everyone. She loved making people happy and bringing a smile to their faces.

In honour of my amazing Nana and her passing, I created the Eva Stylings Non-Profit Initiative, which provides FREE balloon decor to non-profit organizations in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

If you are or know of any deserving non-profit, please fill out our inquiry form or send an email to Robbyn@BalloonStylings.ca with Eva Stylings Non-Profit Initiative in the title. One lucky organization will be chosen every month to receive this custom decor and get spotlighted on our social media pages.

Each organization will be able to select their own theme and colours. Final stylings will be left up to the creative balloon artists. Hopefully this helps generate more interest in your organization and helps brings smiles to your event. While it doesn’t lessen the grief, it does make me feel a bit better knowing her legacy can continue to have an impact.

MONTHLY Donation

Spoooooky Halloween display donated to the Boreal Museum and Keskus Court for families to take Halloween photos.

Name of Applicant(Required)
Date of Event(Required)
Email Address(Required)